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INVESTLAND BALI asutati eesmärgiga korraldada turvalisi ja läbipaistvaid investeeringuid Indoneesia elamu- ja ärikinnisvarasse. Me arendame villasid, kortermaju, hotelle ja mitmesuguseid ärikinnistuid. Meie rahvusvaheline meeskond seisab eelkõige investori huvide eest, keskendudes professionaalsele investeeringute juhtimisele, et seeläbi tõsta kinnisvarade väärtust
LOE EDASIMeie kinnisvara pakub ainulaadset kombinatsiooni strateegilisest asukohast, konkurentsivõimelistest soetuskuludest ning suurepärastest üüritootlustest -tagades teie investeeringule
optimaalse väärtuse.
Meie eesmärk on pakkuda klientidele täisteenust kogu kinnisvaratsükli vältel – alates ostust kuni müügi, üürimise ja hoolduseni.
Tagame teie investeeringute turvalisuse läbi põhjaliku eelkontrolli.
Kaitseme teie huve ning tagame kasumliku investeerimiskogemuse.
Tekkis küsimusi?
Balil leidub rohkelt võimalusi nii vaba aja veetmiseks kui ka äritegevuseks. Elukvaliteet on kõrge, kuid kulud madalamad kui lääneriikides, mistõttu meelitab saar diginomaade ja ekspatte, kes hindavad looduslähedast elu ja rahvusvahelist kogukonda. Siiski tasub arvestada viisanõuete, infrastruktuuri piirangute ja kultuuriliste erinevustega, mis võivad vajada kohanemist. Igapäevaelu Balil erineb puhkusest, tuues kaasa nii võimalusi kui ka väljakutseid.
Uus Maa Ärikinnisvara endine tegevjuht Kristjan Ploompuu ning varasemalt riski- ja andmeanalüütika vallas tegutsenud Oliver Heliste on Balil käima lükanud mahukad kinnisvaraprojektid. „Kasvupotentsiaal on siin suur,“ ütlevad Canggus elavad ja töötavad ettevõtjad veendunult.
Oled kogu elu töötanud, loonud ja panustanud. Nüüd on aeg elada iseendale – ilma kellast kellani rutiinita, ilma külma ja halli kaamoseta, ilma ülikõrgete hindadeta. Balil võid igal hommikul ärgata sooja päikesepaiste saatel, hingata sisse ookeani värsket õhku või kuulata eksootilist linnulaulu. Siinne elu lubab nautida rahulikku elutempot, sest aeg kulgeb Balil hoopis teisiti.
Yes, I specialize in developing websites using the Webflow platform, I also do UI/UX work for particular client.
Absolutely, It will be responsive across all devices and browsers.
The development duration can vary depending on the complexity and requirements of the project. But we can discuss the specifics to get a more accurate estimate.
A percentage of the project cost is expected upfront, with the remaining balance paid in agreed-upon milestones throughout the project.
Yes, I work with client all over the world across different time-zone
Yes, assuming you don't have one already, you would need to create a Webflow account. I can guide you through the process if needed. Also, ican create the webflow site on my account then transfer, meaning you will have 100% ownership.
Yes I am.
Yes, I specialize in developing websites using the Webflow platform, I also do UI/UX work for particular client.
Absolutely, It will be responsive across all devices and browsers.
The development duration can vary depending on the complexity and requirements of the project. But we can discuss the specifics to get a more accurate estimate.
A percentage of the project cost is expected upfront, with the remaining balance paid in agreed-upon milestones throughout the project.
Yes, I work with client all over the world across different time-zone
Yes, assuming you don't have one already, you would need to create a Webflow account. I can guide you through the process if needed. Also, ican create the webflow site on my account then transfer, meaning you will have 100% ownership.
Yes I am.
Yes, I specialize in developing websites using the Webflow platform, I also do UI/UX work for particular client.
Absolutely, It will be responsive across all devices and browsers.
The development duration can vary depending on the complexity and requirements of the project. But we can discuss the specifics to get a more accurate estimate.
A percentage of the project cost is expected upfront, with the remaining balance paid in agreed-upon milestones throughout the project.
Yes, I work with client all over the world across different time-zone
Yes, assuming you don't have one already, you would need to create a Webflow account. I can guide you through the process if needed. Also, ican create the webflow site on my account then transfer, meaning you will have 100% ownership.
Yes I am.
Yes, I specialize in developing websites using the Webflow platform, I also do UI/UX work for particular client.
Absolutely, It will be responsive across all devices and browsers.
The development duration can vary depending on the complexity and requirements of the project. But we can discuss the specifics to get a more accurate estimate.
A percentage of the project cost is expected upfront, with the remaining balance paid in agreed-upon milestones throughout the project.
Yes, I work with client all over the world across different time-zone
Yes, assuming you don't have one already, you would need to create a Webflow account. I can guide you through the process if needed. Also, ican create the webflow site on my account then transfer, meaning you will have 100% ownership.
Yes I am.
Yes, I specialize in developing websites using the Webflow platform, I also do UI/UX work for particular client.
Absolutely, It will be responsive across all devices and browsers.
The development duration can vary depending on the complexity and requirements of the project. But we can discuss the specifics to get a more accurate estimate.
A percentage of the project cost is expected upfront, with the remaining balance paid in agreed-upon milestones throughout the project.
Yes, I work with client all over the world across different time-zone
Yes, assuming you don't have one already, you would need to create a Webflow account. I can guide you through the process if needed. Also, ican create the webflow site on my account then transfer, meaning you will have 100% ownership.
Yes I am.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique. Duis cursus, mi quis viverra ornare, eros dolor interdum nulla, ut commodo diam libero vitae erat. Aenean faucibus nibh et justo cursus id rutrum lorem imperdiet. Nunc ut sem vitae risus tristique posuere.
Yes, I specialize in developing websites using the Webflow platform, I also do UI/UX work for particular client.
Absolutely, It will be responsive across all devices and browsers.
The development duration can vary depending on the complexity and requirements of the project. But we can discuss the specifics to get a more accurate estimate.
A percentage of the project cost is expected upfront, with the remaining balance paid in agreed-upon milestones throughout the project.
Yes, I work with client all over the world across different time-zone
Yes, assuming you don't have one already, you would need to create a Webflow account. I can guide you through the process if needed. Also, ican create the webflow site on my account then transfer, meaning you will have 100% ownership.
Yes I am.
Yes, I specialize in developing websites using the Webflow platform, I also do UI/UX work for particular client.
Absolutely, It will be responsive across all devices and browsers.
The development duration can vary depending on the complexity and requirements of the project. But we can discuss the specifics to get a more accurate estimate.
A percentage of the project cost is expected upfront, with the remaining balance paid in agreed-upon milestones throughout the project.
Yes, I work with client all over the world across different time-zone
Yes, assuming you don't have one already, you would need to create a Webflow account. I can guide you through the process if needed. Also, ican create the webflow site on my account then transfer, meaning you will have 100% ownership.
Yes I am.
Yes, I specialize in developing websites using the Webflow platform, I also do UI/UX work for particular client.
Absolutely, It will be responsive across all devices and browsers.
The development duration can vary depending on the complexity and requirements of the project. But we can discuss the specifics to get a more accurate estimate.
A percentage of the project cost is expected upfront, with the remaining balance paid in agreed-upon milestones throughout the project.
Yes, I work with client all over the world across different time-zone
Yes, assuming you don't have one already, you would need to create a Webflow account. I can guide you through the process if needed. Also, ican create the webflow site on my account then transfer, meaning you will have 100% ownership.
Yes I am.
Yes, I specialize in developing websites using the Webflow platform, I also do UI/UX work for particular client.
Absolutely, It will be responsive across all devices and browsers.
The development duration can vary depending on the complexity and requirements of the project. But we can discuss the specifics to get a more accurate estimate.
A percentage of the project cost is expected upfront, with the remaining balance paid in agreed-upon milestones throughout the project.
Yes, I work with client all over the world across different time-zone
Yes, assuming you don't have one already, you would need to create a Webflow account. I can guide you through the process if needed. Also, ican create the webflow site on my account then transfer, meaning you will have 100% ownership.
Yes I am.
Yes, I specialize in developing websites using the Webflow platform, I also do UI/UX work for particular client.
Absolutely, It will be responsive across all devices and browsers.
The development duration can vary depending on the complexity and requirements of the project. But we can discuss the specifics to get a more accurate estimate.
A percentage of the project cost is expected upfront, with the remaining balance paid in agreed-upon milestones throughout the project.
Yes, I work with client all over the world across different time-zone
Yes, assuming you don't have one already, you would need to create a Webflow account. I can guide you through the process if needed. Also, ican create the webflow site on my account then transfer, meaning you will have 100% ownership.
Yes I am.
Yes, I specialize in developing websites using the Webflow platform, I also do UI/UX work for particular client.
Absolutely, It will be responsive across all devices and browsers.
The development duration can vary depending on the complexity and requirements of the project. But we can discuss the specifics to get a more accurate estimate.
A percentage of the project cost is expected upfront, with the remaining balance paid in agreed-upon milestones throughout the project.
Yes, I work with client all over the world across different time-zone
Yes, assuming you don't have one already, you would need to create a Webflow account. I can guide you through the process if needed. Also, ican create the webflow site on my account then transfer, meaning you will have 100% ownership.
Yes I am.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique. Duis cursus, mi quis viverra ornare, eros dolor interdum nulla, ut commodo diam libero vitae erat. Aenean faucibus nibh et justo cursus id rutrum lorem imperdiet. Nunc ut sem vitae risus tristique posuere.
Yes, I specialize in developing websites using the Webflow platform, I also do UI/UX work for particular client.
Absolutely, It will be responsive across all devices and browsers.
The development duration can vary depending on the complexity and requirements of the project. But we can discuss the specifics to get a more accurate estimate.
A percentage of the project cost is expected upfront, with the remaining balance paid in agreed-upon milestones throughout the project.
Yes, I work with client all over the world across different time-zone
Yes, assuming you don't have one already, you would need to create a Webflow account. I can guide you through the process if needed. Also, ican create the webflow site on my account then transfer, meaning you will have 100% ownership.
Yes I am.